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About me

 About Me: A Blogging Engineer Exploring Life's Marvels and Sharing Knowledge

I'm Harshit, a student with dreams and interests. Recently, I discovered that I had developed a passion for blogging and writing out my own content and I think it grew to this extent that I started my own Cafe here. I humbly welcome you all to Node's Cafe.

I had an interest in programming and coding and all sorts of computer algorithms you can think of. Although, I didn't find out that this was my hidden skill my friends helped me find it and now I'm here sharing my knowledge of computers and my feelings with all of you.

I loved to do things like writing a story of mine and sharing my knowledge in it, when someone read it and appreciated me then I really liked it. So, I started blogging as a passion of mine and I am still on it! To be very honest, I was afraid of sharing some things with people on the internet as they are complete strangers to me, But I collected my strength to do so, and since I make a hard-written post quite often, I do not regret deciding to blog.

People often say that I don't have a good mindset but I want to prove them wrong and tell them that there is no problem in openly sharing your opinion on a particular topic. I respect those who comment on my posts and I really appreciate the two minutes of your time you gave me by reading this post. 

I would really appreciate your comments on my posts and I surely would like to hear your thoughts.

Keep exploring, Harshit 👊
