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Should the Dark Web be a place of Curiosity for you?

In 2023's internet era, we have seen many articles and videos and YouTubers trying to tell us what they saw on the dark web, many people have had their experiences there and many of them have seen even worse things but for those who have seen worse things, do they even tell us the truth. It often conjures images of shadowy figures engaged in illegal activities, secret marketplaces for stolen data, and a world hidden from the eyes of law enforcement. Now is it all true and are we talking about the facts here? Let's dive deep into the dark side of the Internet - The Dark Web to find the truth.

The Description

We all know that we live on the surface web and use some standard search engines here like Google and Yahoo but the dark web comprises web content that is not indexed by the search engines and includes private databases, passwords, etc.

We cannot directly say that the dark web is meant and was meant to be a criminal activity only. It was developed by the U.S. Government with the sole purpose of staying anonymous and sharing files and documents with secrecy. But the dark web is known by all of us as the center of criminal activity on the internet which includes all sorts of crime you can think of under the law. Dark Web users access the dark web through the Tor application which is known as the onion router also, the dark web domains end with .onion and not .com or .in like on the surface web.

It is connected through many nodes to maintain anonymity and assigns an entry and an exit node to the user when he connects to the Tor network and that's why people might have noticed that their internet speed is slow when they access the dark web through the Tor browser.

The Content On the Dark Web

The dark Web as I mentioned is solely for not a center for criminal activity. It is a diverse space with a wide range of content and some of it is even legal and ethical so it is not as bad as everyone thinks.

Mostly illegal content can be found on the Dark Web through onion links but I would not recommend you try and go on the links as one may get even tracked once he clicks on the link and his anonymity might get compromised which is a  pretty common thing to be worried about in the Dark Web. If at least the FBI is monitoring the site's traffic then they can surely see the people who mean to violate the law. The biggest fear of going to the dark web is not even this but the fear of your PC being compromised because there may be some undiscovered vulnerabilities on the website or someone may even trick you into going to a website and your PC might even get compromised so it's not worth the risk.

Hackers can use tools like Vawtrack to completely compromise your PC or they might even use keystroke injection to get sensitive information from your PC so it is very much better to stay away from the Dark Web than to put your PC at risk.

Illegal content on the Dark Web:

  • Marketplaces 
  • Online Forums and Communities
  • Hiring services
  • Malware and Ransomware leaks
  • Unknown Exploits and Vulnerabilities Databases

Hype vs Reality - 

There are many more things to be addressed as illegal on the Dark Web and while illegal activities do exist on the Dark Web, they are a small fraction of its overall content. The majority of users do not engage in criminal behavior. People often think that even visiting the Dark Web is illegal but no, it is completely legal to visit the dark web unless you engage in illegal activities. I would usually recommend you to stay away from the Dark Web as it might provide you anonymity if you come on it for legitimate reasons but remember that no one is fully anonymous on the Internet and who knows that your PC might get compromised due to one click on a simple looking link. So, you should be there at your own risk and understand the consequences of your actions yourself.

Comment down your experience if you ever went on the Dark Web at your own risk.
