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The Feeling Of Moving with Time

Time is relative as Einstein said and it is also a fact to us that we experience this feeling every day, Time just doesn't stop and keeps moving forward and it is common for us humans and any other living being to age as life is just a cycle we experience for once, there are emotions, good people, bad people and lies ahead of you, the consequences of your choices.

Have you ever felt that it shouldn't be like this and that life is not at all fair with the limited time we have on earth trust me, it is not fair for any of us. Yes, we all are here to serve our purpose and die in peace but sometimes things just do not go the way we want every time the fact is that things never stop happening whether they are good things or bad things. Sometimes you feel like what's the point of all this, but the question is how do we actually not move with time and we choose to make our own path and not let time govern our actions?

Being Under The Cliff

There is always a point in everyone's life when they think that they are being controlled by time and their actions too are controlled by time, At that moment a person gets a feeling of being under a cliff of thoughts whether it is the pressure of people around them or their thoughts on their dark side of future and its not possible for a human to not have negative emotions about something.

At that moment life really just seems like a mystery and you try to find purpose to it at that moment and you think for a significant time about your role in this big world. The past becomes a thing a human can never return to once it is done, but the nostalgia and the memory always remain with him and he again starts to predict the future which is significant to him being under a cliff of emotions.


You always leave the past and move forward to the future by leaving your memory there as traces of accessing the past you cannot do anything to change what has happened but you can always change what will happen by being a better version of yourself in the present itself. 

A better version is making the best out of yourself as you yourself know that the time for you to live is limited and so do all humans but they don't accept their fate earlier and move forward instead they fear death and are not ready to face it with proud when the time comes. Your purpose here is not to be better than anyone but to be better than yourself and keep progressing, The human species is known for this trait only that makes them special from other animals.

People leave their traces as they go from the world and so should your goal, and your goal shouldn't be directed to getting a job and living a normal life, No, but being a better version of yourself should be your goal and it always should be.

In the Present 

Being in the present is a great power a human can have as he is the one controlling his actions and instincts in the present and not overthinking about the future and just keeps moving forward with his own instinct and does not let time flow through by procrastinating or letting the time guide his path. Let nature be the victim of time and let it move as the universe expands but don't let yourself be a subject of the infinite void.

Comment down your thoughts on this feeling.
