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Overcoming The Human Anxiety and Stress

 Stress, why does it even occur and why does it even matter to you if it does no physical harm to you. Well, the answer is simple, it's just because of the mental damage and not the physical damage. Actually, every time it is about the mental damage and not the physical one. The Human mind is built in such a way that it cannot endure mental stress, your heart keeps pumping blood, and the body can move and feel conscious, it's just because of your mind. The Human mind controls every action you choose to perform and every decision you tend to make in your simple life. Isn't it funny that most often no person dies with physical damage but mental damage? When the heart stops beating, the brain also dies which is the real cause of death of a person.

Question Yourself

So now, the question is do you really have stress? , Well that's a very dumb question to ask because you are stressed every time but did you notice that in the past you had no stress and just had a simple life that you just kept on living until the transition happened and you noticed that everything around you has changed including yourself. Now, the most clear thing that most people don't see is that things didn't change. 

You have the same life and you are still doing work and not rocket science, accepting the fact that you are the one to adapt and it depends on you and your mind whether to let the stress come or not. If you choose to do a task and you are not even consistent with it for one reason or so then that's not even called stress, that is called pure human behavior that every common human shows, do you want to be that common human or you want to build your own empire in which you get power and respect? Be AWAKE! there's a long journey ahead of you and it will come with problems for you that you don't even realize.

Being aware of yourself is the key factor of overcoming not the stress but your own self demon which causes you to take stress. These things are the things that we realize when we are at utmost defeat, but since you know yourself now, you can tackle the worst of your fears.

Do you need to Stress?

What is it that makes you feel pathetic about everything? What is it that goes against your instinct and leads you into the dark? It's the devil of stress inside every one of us and our fear feeds it. Be an intuitive person who makes decisions himself and doesn't depend on anyone for the consequences of his actions. You should know what makes you stressed and not question the problem, but question yourself and the better outcome that can come out of it.
It is sure to happen that you will always find a better solution than anyone else can for you. 

Is it destined for me to be stressed?

Never, unless you take the bait of getting stressed and actually caring about the thing more than anything.

How do I make an intuitive decision at the time of stress?

Making an intuitive decision at a time of stress can be challenging for some of you but at that time, there is no one but you in the situation, Prayers do not work at that time, only your brain is the referee at that time so your decision here should be to know the ultimate capabilities of your brain and make a decision which you truly feel is good. Take 5 or 10 minutes and devote it to your own thought.

Not Feeding the Demon

Not caring in society is just like a superpower for some people, being ignorant and preferring to live alone is just like a very crucial decision that a person has to make in one go and it is always difficult not to look back but it proves to be a great advantage a person has at that time. 

Similarly, not caring about the problems is a superpower many people don't have but to have it they have to simply put their minds under the influence of their own selves and look into the problem not with stress or wear but with the eyes of penetrating confidence reflecting in them. 

The result is either good or bad according to the good or bad actions you did in the past but from that day on you will learn to be yourself in situations like this and not simply be a puppet controlled by stress.

Rather than being a person who does not have his mind in control, it is always better to be a better version of yourself in every circumstance.

Stress? What is your opinion about it? Comment down below
