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The Dominion Of The StageFright Vulnerability

Many Vulnerabilities arise every day and we don't even know about them. People who surf the internet don't even know what is waiting for them in the depths and sometimes their device gets exploited without them knowing for a long time which is really frightening. With the word frightening, let's dive into such vulnerability, which was a menace for Android versions between 2.2 and 5.1.

The scary part is that it exploited over 900-950 million devices at the time when it was on lose but luckily they patched it. This flaw really did expose millions of Android devices to potential cyberattacks, raising concerns about the safety of personal information stored on our beloved smartphones and tablets.

What Is Stagefright?

StageFright word literally means the fear of performing and being on the stage and the vulnerability does it in the online world.

Stagefright was a media playback engine used by Android to process multimedia messages (MMS) containing images and videos. It was not chaos until it was discovered in 2015 by security researchers, this vulnerability allowed hackers to send a malicious MMS that could execute code remotely which is really scary as they can easily get people to download pirated movies and then get their devices exploited by one mistake it grants them an easy control over the affected device. What made Stagefright particularly dangerous was its ability to infect a device without any user interaction. A simple text message with an infected multimedia file was all it took for a hacker to gain unauthorized access to the device.

The Impact On Android Devices -

StageFright dealt a fatal blow to the security of Android devices back then and many mobiles were exploited in million numbers. The widespread use of Android devices made Stagefright a significant concern for people who used Android. With over a billion active Android devices at that time, the impact of this vulnerability was massive as if the mobiles were being exploited like fishes that take the bait.

Cybercriminals could exploit Stagefright to steal sensitive data, they could even spy on users, or even make the device inoperable by the person, causing severe disruptions to all the people who use Android.

Google's Response -

Google responded to the Vulnerability soon after its disclosure and they finally released a patch for the vulnerability in August 2015. They released security patches and updates to fix the vulnerability and even urged users to install these updates immediately. Device manufacturers and mobile carriers also played an important role by ensuring the distribution of these patches to their respective users. Google also introduced monthly security updates to prevent such accidents in the future.

People who were aware of it did update their Androids and stayed cautious but the vulnerability kept getting exploited by hackers on the Android mobiles that were vulnerable until years passed by and Android 5 became an old version.

The Aftermath -

Although Stagefright was patched for earlier Android versions there is a possibility that a similar vulnerability might exist in your device so you should consider checking whether it is vulnerable to StageFright or any other vulnerability or not.

Vulnerabilities are technically inevitable as long as the internet exists and it is bound to happen that they surely will get exploited in large numbers and one of the victims might be you without you even knowing. 

People see the Internet as a bright side for gaining knowledge but they should remember that with the data comes the data breaches. To prevent this, everyone should admire the updates the company puts into their devices and you should consider it as a barrier that separates you from the world of bugs. 
However, everyone won't agree with me as I am just mentioning the bugs and not the disadvantages of updating the device like the weird behavior of the device due to certain features. I do agree with that but the thing we should always look out for is that one big advantage in the many small disadvantages.

Comment and tell me whether I should inform you about the latest vulnerabilities and the way to patch them on your device!
